2023 Christmas Catalogue

The Community & Club Collective works with volunteer-led sport organisations to build sustainable partnerships with businesses, where businesses generate a ROI

The inaugural Christmas Catalogue is ready to launch in time for Christmas 2023! 

Running from 20th November - 8th December, we're proud to connect businesses with local mums and dads. 

We seek to provide the community sport industry with a great or memorable experience with this Catalogue, connecting sole, micro, small and medium businesses with ~22,000 parents.

Parents generally speaking; own their home, own a car, have multiple children and are working full-time.

Community sport is a highly engaged network - twice weekly training sessions + games each week. Parents are at the front and centre as the coach, volunteer, supporter and taxi driver! 

For businesses, the sport industry is a great way to connect with your target audience. Participants have a high level of trust with their club and they are influenced by their peers. The Christmas Catalogue offers you an opportunity to generate brand awareness, education and sales via this audience. 

There are three opportunities for you to connect via the 2023 Christmas Catalogue.

Quarter Page Listing

1 x image

Size: 1 x 200*150 pixels



Discount value 

Description - 30 words

Business website link

Social media link


Half Page Feature

3 x images

Size: 1 x 400*200 pixels

Size: 2 x 200*150 pixels


Discount value

Description - 50 words

Business website link

Social media link


Full Page Feature

6 x images 

Size: 1 x 400*200 pixels

Size: 4 x 200*200 pixels

Size: 1 x 700*300 pixels

Discount value

Description - 80 words

Business website link

Social media link



Catalogue Distribution

Club Option #1

Club Option #2

Distribution Dates:

Key Dates:

What you can expect


If we can help you with any other enquiry, please feel free to email info@tcacc.com.au