Peak Sport Body

Community Sport Sponsorship Data Insights

Insight #1

State sport organistions who are below the national average are acessing less sponsorship revenue than their competitors.

What would your participants, volunteers and sport be able to do if volunteers were able to secure the national average?

What support is being offered to club volunteers to identify, negotiate and secure new sponsors?

Insight #2

52% x community sport sponsorship is generated by the national top 10 industries that sponsor community sport.

Are your club volunteers relying on their personal network or are they leveraging the hard-work and success of other volunteers to secure new sponsors?

If an industry sponsors your sport in another state why wouldn't that industry sponsor your sport within your state?

Insight #3

Which sports are dominating the revenue generated via sponsorship?

Compare your performance against other sports within your region. 

Additionally, consider why other states have a higher or lower average